As camping becomes more popular — Americans spent 516.6 million days at campgrounds across the country in 2013 — the ways in which one can go camping continue to diversify. These days, you can go camping in everything from a home-like cabin to a yurt.
But for most people, camping in tents remains the classic, tried-and-true camping method. About 86% of people who go camping choose to do so in a tent. Tents are inexpensive, easy to transport and are surprisingly easy to pitch. Some newer tents even come with several separate “rooms” — perfect for a family camping trip!
The one major drawback of camping in a tent, however, is the obvious discomfort of sleeping on the ground with nothing to cushion you except your sleeping bag. Additionally, tents don’t have any heating, provide relatively little protection from the weather and pose challenges to cooking food.
Want to make sure your time spent camping in tents feels like you’ve brought a little bit of home with you into the wild? Here are the top three tips to increase the comfort level of your tent:
Sleep on an air mattress
Most sleeping bags are nothing more than a thin layer of padding between you and the ground — hardly the kind of support many people need while they sleep. For a more comfortable sleep that will help you get the energy you need to explore the outdoors, air mattresses are a great solution. Many air mattresses come with electric air pumps that make blowing up the mattress effortless.
Bring comfortable chairs
If sitting on logs and stumps during your downtime doesn’t appeal to you, be sure to bring comfy camping chairs for everyone in your family. These will make sitting around the campfire relaxing and almost luxurious after a long day of hiking.
Pack a lantern, fan and portable heater
In modern times, you can bring almost any amenity with you during your camping trips, from lanterns to fans and portable space heaters. These devices — usually battery-powered — are perfect for making camping in tents seem a little more like home.
Have any other tips and tricks for your fellow campers for more comfortably camping in tents? Feel free to share by leaving a comment below! Visit here for more.