Sooner or later, most Americans will go on their first airplane ride. And if that first time happens to be going to Chicago, it can be especially exciting since Chicago is such a large city. However, it can also be nerve-wracking if you’re new to flying, and aren’t familiar with all the airlines, Chicago flight information, and other details that come with flying to Chicago. Don’t be afraid though, because if you remember several tips, you’ll be well on your way to traveling to Chicago by air before you know it. This article will take a look at several tips you should remember when flying to Chicago for the first time.
- Arrive at the Airport Early: The first tip for flying to Chicago, or anywhere in the United States for that matter, is to arrive at the airport early. The rule of thumb states that you should arrive at the airport no later than two hours before your flight is scheduled to depart. This may seem like an abundance of caution, but it’s actually very necessary, since the airport can be a very busy place, and it can take a decent amount of time to get checked in and through security. By arriving early, you can ensure that your bags will be checked in, you’re through security and at your boarding gate with plenty of time to spare before your flight leaves.
- Be Familiar With Your Flight Information: Another tip for flying to Chicago is to become very familiar with your Chicago flight information. For example, on your airline ticket should be a number for your flight. This number can also be found on flight schedule boards throughout the airport, and can be used to verify the gate you need to find. Conversely, knowing your Chicago flight information and number can also let you know, again by looking at the flight board, if your boarding gate has changed. You should always know your flight number in case you have trouble finding the correct gate at the airport.
- Be Prepared When Going Through Security: And finally, a third tip to remember when flying to Chicago is that you should be prepared when going through security. Due to regulations, most airport screenings involve removing your shoes, certain jewelry items, and your belt. To ensure that your screening goes smoothly, as you wait your turn in line, go ahead and start taking off your shoes and belt, that way when it’s your turn, all you have to do is put your items in the bin and go on through without holding up the line.
In conclusion, there are several tips you should remember when flying to Chicago for the first time. These tips include arriving at the airport early, being familiar with your Chicago flight information, and being prepared when going through the security line. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be headed off to Chicago before you know it.