There’s no better time than the present to begin traveling the world, exploring new cities and countries, and learning about the diverse culture that exists on this planet! Although you might think you need a partner to travel the world, there are loads of ways you can travel the world alone as a woman! With a little bit of preparation, resources, and finances, you’ll be able to travel the world as a single woman, stay safe, and enjoy all this planet has to offer!
1. Do Lots of Research
Before you travel the world alone as a woman, it’s important to do lots of research on where you will be traveling. What is the culture like? Is there any tips on local forums online such as Reddit that people are suggesting? Some of the best places to look online include Youtube, the Youtube comments section, and forums dedicated to traveling! It’s important to pick a solid destination before beginning your traveling journey. More experienced travelers will be able to wing it in terms of what city to start, but if you want to travel the world alone as a woman for the first time, it’s best to start off with one specific city.
2. Reach Out to a Travel Agency
Although you can do the work of booking a flight, booking a hotel, and even looking for a tour guide yourself, there’s no shame in reaching out to a travel agency on your own! They can offer advice on the pricing of your travel, as well as book everything from flights to tours to make your traveling convenient.
3. Consider Hostels

Hostels are cheaper alternatives to hotels and are some of the best ways to travel the world alone as a woman and save money! Hostels can be thought of as shared community spaces, with sleeping quarters and sometimes other ammenities such as food and bathrooms included in their facilities. Hostels are commonly used by the local community, as well as other fellow tourists, as a cheaper alternative to hotels. These are some of the best spots to meet other fellow travelers, as well as local residents that can help you on your journey!
4. Stay in Well-Reviewed Hotels
If you opt for a hotel, why not choose one that has stellar reviews? Make sure you stay at a hotel that has adequate safety measurements, has rooms that aren’t infested with bed bugs, and try to look for hotels that offer complimentary meals such as breakfast or lunch. This is an excellent way to save money! Hotels are also convenient if you’re traveling with a pet, however, you’ll want to make sure your hotel accepts your canine!
5. Pack Layers
When you travel the world alone as a woman, you can bet the weather will change on you in an instant. It’s best to pack lightly, and pack in layers. It’s a good idea to invest in heavy-duty, durable clothes such as winter jackets that are packable and fit into your bag. This allows you to easily travel without having to worry about being weighed down. Packing in layers also allows you switch your outfit at a moments notice in case inclement weather changes to sunny skies! When it comes to clothing, it’s best to pack only the essentials. Leave the dress you only wore once to your mom’s birthday 10 years ago at home!
6. Pack For Emergencies
In addition to packing light and packing only essential clothing, you should also pack tools and for emergencies. Some of the best tools to pack include an eyeglasses kit, a flat tire kit for your bicycle (if you’re traveling with one), and of course, self-protection items. These include cans of mace, alarms, and a pocket knife. Pocket knives and multi-tools can come in handy, and can be worn on your hip. Make sure to research if these are legal in your area. You should also pack any drugs that can help you during an emergency, such as your regular prescription medications and inhalers.
7. Protect Your Documents
When you’re ready to travel the world alone as a woman, make sure to protect your documents by carrying them with you at all times! You should protect any documents including your passport, birth certificate, driver’s license, and cash you have on you. A heavy-duty wallet can help keep your cash safe, while a ziplock bag can keep your documents safe from the elements. Whatever you do, it’s important to remember to never give your documents away to strangers, even if they promise it’s only temporary. Always keep your documents on your person!
8. Have a Working Phone Charger at All Times

A cell phone is crucial when traveling, and can be beneficial if you want to get in touch with family and friends, call for help, or just take pictures. You never want to be stuck without a working charger! Make sure to carry a phone charger with you at all times, and have at least one or two extra chargers in case you lose one or one breaks on you.
9. Do Not Drink From Open Containers
Drinking can be a great way to unwind and relax, but it is extremely dangerous to drink from an open container or from a drink someone else handed you. Not only can you get sick due to contaminated water, but you can also get sick if your drink itself was tampered with. It’s best to stick to bottled drinks, or if you’re at a local bar, watch the bartender make your drink before you consume it. Similarly, limit alcohol consumption when you travel the world alone as a woman. At the very least, you can get IV therapy after a heavy night of drinking to help you recover from your ‘hangover.’ At worse, however, excessive drinking can lead to blackouts, which can be dangerous.
10. Have a Buddy System
If you’re looking to travel the world alone as a woman, this doesn’t mean you have to stay alone the entire trip! Don’t be afraid to ask to be paired with a local tour guide, local resident, or even another tourist and use the buddy system when traveling around. This can be a great way to ensure you remain safe, and also give you peace of mind. If you have a friend who wants to travel with you or meet up with you later on, make it a fun event by wearing matching custom shirts while out on the town!
11. Plan Ahead If Traveling with a Pet
If you have a service dog, it’s important to look up rules and regulations in your destination’s country. Do they allow service dogs in hotels and restaurants? Will they require paperwork? Is there an extra cost to travel with your service dog on an airliner, for instance? In addition, you’ll want to research nearby veterinarians that can provide services for your pet such as dental care, medical care, and also grooming services.
12. Keep Up With Your Hygiene Routine
Make sure to continue to keep up with your skin care routine, dental routine, even your relaxation routine if you have one. When you travel the world alone as a woman, it might be a bit stressful and chaotic, so try your best to have a sense of normalcy when traveling by keeping up with your hygiene. You can even incorporate new beauty routines while traveling, or change your look such as visiting a local eyebrow tinting shop, wearing clothes designed for the locals, and more!
13. Maintain an Exercise Routine

In addition to your hygiene routine, continue to maintain an exercise routine if you’re travelling for an extended period of time or are traveling for work. Many hotels will have an on-site gym you can use. You can also research local gyms that have good gym management software and great customer service! If you want to avoid going to the gym, consider taking a walk or job around your area, or even visiting a local park to enjoy mother nature and get your steps in!
14. Know Where Hospitals Are
Before you begin to travel the world alone as a woman, you should make sure you know where the local hospitals and clinics are. If you’re traveling for work, you might have to know where a local clinic is that conducts random drug testing. If you’re traveling alone, it’s best to research which hospitals offer urgent care or emergency medical care services. This can help you if you find yourself in need of medical assistance.
15. Don’t Share Too Much Information
Although it might be fun to meet local tour guides, interact with the community, and travel alone, it’s also best to not disclose too much personal information when you travel the world alone as a woman. Sharing too much personal information can open you up to possible identify theft, especially if someone steals your documents while traveling. Someone else in earshot can also be listening and know where you live, where you are staying, and use this information for ill intentions.
16. Use Google Translate
Traveling can be difficult if you don’t know how to speak the language. Fortunately, app developers have been able to create a multitude of apps to help you during your travels, such as Google Translate! This is a free service that can turn speech into any language, and can make it possible for you to share with locals your intentions as well as understand them easily! You can also use apps such as language-learning apps to help you brush up on local phrases before traveling.
17. Consider Renting a Vehicle
What better way to explore the city than with a car or bicycle? Consider renting a vehicle in your destination when you travel the world alone as a woman. Vehicles are very convenient, allow you to travel with a little bit more luggage, and can also be relatively inexpensive if you only rent them for a couple of hours. Fortunately, many overseas destinations now give you the option of renting anything from a car to a scooter to help you get around the city.
18. Consider Using Contact Lenses when Traveling

If you want to travel the world alone as a woman but wear glasses, consider swtiching to contact lenses for part of your travel. Contact lenses are convenient when traveling, as they are small enough to fit in your pocket and won’t fall off your face like glasses will. You can also pack contact lenses even if you decide to take your glasses with you, in case your glasses are broken beyond repair during your travels. Visit some local opticians before you travel so you can be fitted properly for prescription contact lenses.
19. Respect the Culture
The most important thing to remember when you travel the world alone as a woman is to respect the culture. For instance, in Japan it is offensive to tip waitstaff although it is necessary in the United States! If you don’t know the culture, it’s never a bad idea to ask questions about what the locals expect from tourists, or what you can do to remain respectful toward the local community.
20. Interact with Other Women
From working with volunteer organizations, to simply saying hello and striking up a conversation with other women in the area, there’s no better way to travel the world alone as a woman than to talk to other women during your travels! Share stories, embrace the culture, and make sure you spend your time having fun with other strong women as well!
Don’t Hesitate
There are a variety of ways to travel the world alone as a woman and remain safe while doing so. By using these tips above, you can be sure you’ll enjoy your time exploring the world, interacting with locals, and making memories to last a lifetime.