When it comes to camping, your campsite location can make or break the whole experience. A good campsite is safe, comfortable, and allows the camper to experience nature without harming the surrounding environment. If you’re planning a camping vacation, here are a few tips on how to find the best camping grounds.
Many campers are unaware of the potential dangers that can come from choosing the wrong camping spot. When choosing a place to pitch your tent, be sure you are away from an area that is susceptible to falling rocks, or low areas that can be affected by flooding. Avoid areas with tall grass, which can harbor harmful insects such as mosquitoes, ants, and ticks.
The best campgrounds are ones that will have a minimum impact on the surrounding environment. Instead of setting your tent up on a grassy spot, try looking for a flat rock to prevent harming the nearby plants. While it is important to have water near your campsite, be sure you place your tent at least 200 feet away, to prevent contamination. If there is no pre-built fire pit on your campground, avoid making large fires, only starting them when it is absolutely necessary. Campers should seek to leave their campground exactly the way they found it, if not better.
Campsites are one of the most important parts of a camping vacation. When planning your camping trip, be sure to thoroughly examine all the campground options. If you are unsure of what areas are safe to camp in, look into your local campgrounds for established camps that will ensure your safety and absolute relaxation.