Camping is often presented with the challenge of human waste disposal. A camping site with the necessary human waste disposal amenities does not necessitate the need for portable toilets. However, if camping off-grid, you need to consider having a portable toilet because we are all humans, and defecation is part and parcel of our lives.
Choosing the best camp toilet for your needs should depend on the features and mobility you require. The folding stool frames are solid because you don’t have to carry the excrement around with you. Simply dig a hole. It’s a foldable frame attached to a toilet seat. They are an improvement from the natural dig and squat technique.
Quality portable toilets come with a slew of special features like waste holding tanks fitted with waste indicators to show how full the tank is, and levers that control the valve separating the holding tank from the top. The flush button enables flushing off excrement to the waste holding tank. Other portable toilet features include a lid, seats, fill port, flush water tank, water pumps, and others. Portable toilets are efficient and can make camping much more enjoyable.