In the early 1820’s buses were horse drawn and they used these horses as a way to get power. In the 1830s in England, regular intercity bus services by steam-powered systems. As time has moved forward, technology has also moved forward in innovation and now one of the most popular bus are the charter buses. There are a lot of popular myths and thoughts about buses, charter buses, and even the people that use these buses as daily transportation. These myths are damaging to the bus industry and also hurt the image of the ease of bus travel in the United States and across the world today. Here are two of these myths:
Riding The Bus Is Not A Popular Mode of Transportation
This is the strongest myth that people buy into in terms of charter buses as a form of public transportation. Because of how common and popular cars have become, especially in the United States, people now view charter buses as “weird” or “different”. Using a bus as a mode of transportation is not only common, it is very smart and cost-effective. First and foremost, According to a study by the American Bus Association from the year 2011 to 2012 United States passenger bus travel increased by 7.5%. This made passenger bus travel the fastest growing form of travel in the country! Also, for more than 14 million rural United States citizens using a charter bus is the only available mode of public intercity transportation. That’s why taking the bus is much more popular than most people believe. Today, there are five times as many motorcoach terminals nationwide than there are airports and six times as many bus terminals as there are intercity rail terminals. Taking a charter bus is not unpopular, as a matter of fact, it is super popular.
Charter Buses Are Environmentally Friendly
Today, cars are a big contributor to the general carbon emissions and unfortunately as of now, the technology is not moving fast enough to move car companies away from using gas and oil. Charter buses are much more friendly and have less of a negative impact on the environment as they provide transportation to the public and citizens of the United States. Every full motorcoach posses the potential to remove 55 vehicles from the highway which will help reduce congestion and cut energy use which in turn will reduce emissions. Also, charter buses will emit the least amount of carbon dioxide per passenger, especially when compared to other forms of transportation. Motorcoaches achieve 206.6 passenger miles per gallon (MPG), commuter rail gets 92.4 passenger MPG, transit buses achieve 31.4 passenger MPG, domestic airplane achieves 44 passenger MPG, personal automobiles averaged 27.2 passenger MPG, and hybrid cars 46 passenger MPG.
While driving a car or vehicle is very popular in terms of personal modes of transportation, the future may rest within transportation that is similar to taking charter buses. Downtown areas are building and buying into public modes of transportation and this is why charter buses and motorcoach transportation are becoming more and more popular.